Log Home Decorating

Log home decorating is perhaps one of the more fun decorating projects. Using a cottage theme, log home decorating provides you an opportunity to draw from nature and implement some of your favorite things. If you are a person who spends much time in your cabin or log home, no doubt you've started a collection of treasures to display. Family photos and handmade jewelry are popular accessories for log home decorating. Any object reflecting family memories are great for a log home or vacation home.

A log cabin is a home away from home. It is supposed to be warm and cozy for all those who visit. Choosing earthly colors for paint and fabric would help create this atmosphere in log home decorating. This environment is meant to be welcoming and cheerful. Adding some vibrant colors and patterns in cushions and slip-covers will certainly brighten space and enhance your log home decorating.

Usually, people try to find used furniture for their log home or cabin. You have many some unwanted furniture at home as a chair, a table or a couch. Instead of throwing them out, why not take them to your log home. Flea markets and garage sales are great places to find amazing furniture to use in your log home decorating project. Remember that one person's trash another person's treasure. Old wooden furniture are perfect for log cabin decorating. You may want to leave them in their original state or to give them a newer look, you may want to paint them or if there is a chair, perhaps make nice slip-covers in a bright floral pattern.

Besides the memories you brought from home, there are many accessories that you can use in log cabin decor. Trying to keep with a cottage theme, you might look for baskets made from natural materials that you can hang from the ceiling or place on a table, wooden bowls, galvanized tin pots and buckets, old jars or jugs, there are countless objects you can use to shop in log home decorating. Trying to create a sense of warmth and coziness, you can have handmade quilts in your log cabin. Handmade items make wonderful additions to log home decorating.

When choosing flooring for a log home or cabin, wood such as birch, cedar and pine, are great choices. You can leave your wood floor in its natural form, allowing it to age and remain authentic looking. You can also choose from many beautiful wood stains to use on your floor to protect it and also compliment it. Area rugs are nice in log home decorating. Area rugs make a space cozy especially when laid on a wooden floor.

Log home decorating allows you to be in touch with nature and all the wonderful material you have to share. The actual structure of the building is made of logs which came from the forest. The scent of the logs alone, add to the natural feel of a log cabin. Log home decorating is a project that can never be filled. You'll always find something special that can only be appreciated in your log cabin or cottage.

Decorating a log cabin

Decorating a log cabin or even a cottage, usually in the country theme. Keeping with the various aspects of nature and its simplicity and freshness, a log cabin ought to provide peace and quiet. Most log cabins are in the forest or country areas. Using a country style would mean bringing beauty on the outside, inside. Decorating a log cabin or a cottage should not be too difficult using the country theme since the ideas and color schemes sitting right outside the window.

Using nature as an example when decorating a log cabin, using wood for flooring and furniture would definitely fit. Birch, pine or cedar would certainly compliment any space especially a log cabin or cottage. To keep the natural look of wood, you can choose to leave it in its original form or with the stain would give the wood a rustic look. Whether you opt for authenticity or a newer look, wood is surely the best choice when decorating a log cabin.

You can choose to bring old furniture from home to your log cabin or cottage. Using covers for the sofa or chairs can help make the furniture look new. If decorating a log cabin, you can choose to paint the furniture. This will also give it a whole new look. When choosing colors for coating or paint, you might consider warm colors in light to medium shades. Yellow, brown or terracotta add warmth to a space. When you are decorating a log cabin, the emphasis is generally focused on warmth and coziness. A log cabin does not require paint on the walls, but if you are decorating a house, you can pick similar colors for your walls.

Fabrics to use when decorating a log cabin should probably include bold colors and nature themes. Floral patterns are also nice in a cottage or log cabin setting. You can use these fabrics in window coverings, bedspreads or throws and slipcovers. To keep with the theme of nature, you can choose accessories taken from nature, such as dried flowers or pieces of old wood made into candle holders. People tend to gather things from the outdoors while on a hike or walk along the river. These items can be used as accessories and souvenirs.

When decorating a log cabin or cottage, a factor that is not really important is your budget. This type of decorating can incorporate items from home or even those picked up at a garage sale or flea market. Handmade ornaments and decorations are also nice when decorating a log cabin. As long as the accessories help to achieve the overall goal of warmth and an atmosphere that is welcoming, all selected items are great. A log cabin or cottage is a place designed for relaxation. When decorating a log cabin or cottage, this should be kept in mind. What makes you happy and helps to create a space you enjoy and feel comfortable in, go with it. Just remember to have fun.

Home Decorating for Spring

Spring is a time for renewal. It's the time of year when people across the country are starting to shake off the final dregs of winter, opening their windows, and hanging clothes on the lines to dry. It's the time of year that many people associate with cleaning but very few associate with home decorating. Sadly, there are very few times of year when it is more appropriate to decorate your home. Face it, for most of us this is the only time of year that we are really excited about cleaning.

During the summer months we clean because the kids (young and old) are constantly tracking dirt, knows clay, grass, and goodness what into the house. Cleaning these days is a chore and yet we still manage to bring out the patriotic colors and celebrate America in style. Goodness knows how with all the extra cleaning is going on and they almost double the amount of lemonade and iced tea being consumed daily. But we manage to decorate and take great joy in doing so, as if some right of passage has been achieved by our home decorating efforts.

During the Thanksgiving and winter months we clean house because we have no choice. Friends and family will come over and they expect our homes to be well decorated and clean. This I must say is quite an accomplishment with the rush of the holiday at the time and yet somehow we manage to muster up some Christmas cheer when others are around while playing Mr. Scrooge when it comes to running the mop and broom around our rooms.

Spring is the time of year when our cleaning efforts are nothing short of inspired. But it is also the spring that often eludes us when it comes to inspiration for decoration. Maybe we are too tired from all of our cleaning efforts to seek the inspiration to decorate. If this is the case with you, then my hope is that some of the ideas mentioned below will help some serious decoration inspiration your way.

1) Flowers. Spring is the time for flowers. They are all around us. Use fresh cut flowers and candles to create beautiful arrangement and centerpieces throughout your home.

2) Light. As briefly mentioned above they deserve their own place among the five least. Candles can be soothing, relaxing, invigorating, inspiring, beautiful, elegant, and simply smell good. Candles are great no matter what time of year it is, if you select candles in bright spring colors and fragrances you might be amazed at exactly how uplifting these candles can be.

3) Towels. Yes I said towels. In your kitchen and your bathroom, you need bright, bold colors which means spring, birth and renewal. These small details can make a huge difference in not only your attitude about cleaning and decorating but also your attitude about cooking.

4) fragrance. While most people do not realize that the fragrances we use in our homes is a type of decoration. It makes our noses happy to some degree but also the potpourri and candles are often decorations in and of themselves. Extinguishing bowls filled with colorful and lightly scented fragrance balls, dried fruit and other delicacies. Gourmet potpourri can be found in all kinds of gift and fragrance shops and is a fairly inexpensive way to add a fragrant touch to your home decor, as well as the scent of your home.

5) Fruit. Have bowls placed throughout your home filled with fresh fragrant fruit. Not only does this add yet another layer of fragrance to your home, but it is also visually appealing and edible. There are three controls in the "pro" column for this simple decorative step and I have yet to find one in the "con" column if you consider the fact that it must be eaten before it gets too ripe.

For those needing springtime home decorating ideas and inspiration I hope this has helped. If you have not found some outstanding suggestions above I at least hope that you will have been inspired to find your own fabulous finds for spring decorating.

Home Decorating Magazines

You know your house needs improvements. You know you need to redecorate. You can not seem to come up with ideas for decorating your home. You need inspiration. Where do you go for help? A great source of home decorating ideas and inspiration is home decorating magazines. These publications provide an insight into the world of home decorating and offer suggestions and tips to help you decorate your home. Decorating magazines provide pictures of homes and rooms that have been built on that may inspire you to recreate that space in your own home.

There are many home decorating magazines available. Most of these magazines not only pictures and ideas, but also gives the customer an opportunity to buy directly from them items you like in their magazine. Many magazines are advertised on the Internet. With websites displaying their ideas and pictures, you can browse these sites in your search for a decorating style. These online magazines will likely offer you a chance to buy directly from them via the Internet.

Decorating magazines are constantly in circulation. Some of the popular home decorating magazines are listed here.

* Traditional Home - This magazine has its main focus on traditional décor and historical homes. Articles are written that allow you to visit historic places, gathering ideas and tips for decorating a traditional home. This home decorating magazine offers information on furniture, window treatments and color schemes.

* Country Living - This is a magazine published monthly and offers ideas about country décor, crafts and antiques. It also provides tips for traditional cooking. This home decorating magazine provides details of furniture, window treatments, fireplaces and historic colors.

* Elle Décor - This home decorating magazine published semi-monthly. It is a magazine dedicated to focusing on modern design with a French influence. Focusing on luxury living, furniture style and planning your room, this magazine intends to offer the average homeowner ideas and tips to achieve this amazing style to their homes.

* Better Homes & Gardens - This popular magazine provides the reader with information on various topics related to the homeowner and their family. This information includes ideas for home decor and garden decor. Better Homes & Gardens also publishes a seasonal magazine which focuses on décor with a lot of information about specific projects.

* Metropolitan Home - Published six times per year, this home decorating magazine information about renovating and designing modern urban homes. This magazine focuses on contemporary design and current trends. It gives the reader information about transforming a traditional home or space into a modern, contemporary environment.

These home decorating magazines are great sources or inspiration if you are having trouble coming up with ideas and techniques for your home. Provides detailed information and vivid photos, these home decorating magazines offer you instructions and often step-by-step instructions to achieve the desired look. Each of these magazines also offers customers an opportunity to buy directly from them. This can make your job so much easier if you see a room or space in the newspaper that you like. Buying directly from them, you have a chance to recreate that beautiful space in your home.

Home Decorating with a Moroccan theme

A Moroccan theme is a beautiful addition to almost any home decorating plan. With beautiful colors, rich textures and lush fabrics, there is no doubt the reason this type of decoration is becoming so popular around the world. These are some of the most beautiful and in some ways the most exotic styles of decorating that you find around the world.

The Moroccan style is quite lovely and includes many bold colors and textures to keep not only your eyes occupied but also your other senses too. The good news is that there are bold enough that it's still relatively new as far as decorating styles in the U.S. yesterday. This means that you can not have identical interiors of your neighbor, friend or cousin down the road. Even if they love what you've done and want to emulate it in their own home, chances are they will not choose the precise designs, patterns, colors and textures that you have chosen since there are so many great things to choose from.

Mosaic is perhaps my favorite touch from this part of the world. They are beautiful and very versatile. They can be used for almost anything. I have seen stunning tables, tiles, light fixtures, candle holders, wall sconces and wall art that was made of mosaic. In fact, this type of artwork (or whatever you might want to call it) is growing in popularity in the U.S. exponentially in recent years. People are often trying to imitate the style or at least buy products that contain the style.

Fabrics used in Moroccan design and home furnishings are among some of the most stunningly beautiful fabrics you can find in the world. In fact, many people decide on this kind of theme for the fabric alone and even many who have gone on a Moroccan theme for their homes have still managed to squirrel away some of the fabric to create beautiful pillows and curtains. The fabrics are worth taking a look even if you're not seriously considering incorporating this type of design in your home decorating plans.

The furniture when choosing this type of design for your home is very ornate and beautiful. Moroccan crafts are not to be under stated, as it is very beautiful. Now for some, the furnishings are a bit much but the other elements of Moroccan decor is perfectly inline with personal preferences. If you are one who feels this way, it is not an uncommon feeling. While the work is beautiful, it can definitely be overwhelming. But there is nothing wrong with taking design aspects you like from the Moroccan style of home decor and not borrow them you are not completely satisfied with.

One thing that very few people are complaining, however, are the carpets. Persian rugs are by no means cheap but they are certainly worth every penny paid for them when they are done well. These are some of the most prized and highly sought after carpets around the world, not only for the richness of their colors but also for intricateness of their design.

Be sure to consider the value that a Moroccan decorating style can add to your enjoyment of your home. Although it is not for everyone as a whole, there may be pieces that are perfect for you.

Home Decorating with Native American Touches

There really is no style of home decor that can be identified as decidedly Native American. However, there are elements that can be added to almost any interior style. The trick is always a matter of incorporating these things without making them seem out of place. Of all the different styles available, and of course depending on the strain in question, the southwestern style of home decorating and design would actually make a good match for many Native American artifacts, touches, and artwork.

Pottery is central to a Native American theme. Different tribes had different styles to create pottery. If you have a favorite tribe or a favorite style of pottery you may want to build the rest of the room or design area around the pottery you love as it is quite personal to many people, not all styles of pottery will match all other types of weaving, carving , basket making, or artwork. Ceramic is very useful in a kitchen if you plan to use a portion of it in this room. Not only can most pottery is baked at cooking but it works wonders for storing things like cutlery as you want within reach, slips, napkins, and all the other things that you can think of storing the pottery you have available. If you are going to pay for it you may as well put it to good use.

Speaking of artwork. There are some beautiful Native American prints as well as some "sand art" which is a must for a room trying to capture the spirit of the Native American, or at least a specific tribe and incorporate that spirit into their homes. I think this is a beautiful idea for those who want to show their respect to those who are the ancestors of many of us. Not that the pottery mentioned above is artwork in itself, but the addition of art that can be placed on the wall is a welcome addition to many homes.

Also note that many Native Americans played the flute. Some people show a collection of Native American flutes next to their prized artwork. There really is no wrong way to go about home decorating when it is your own home that is being decorated. Highlight the things you like, omit the things you do not like. You do not even have to be loyal to one tripe, design, style, or region when decorating your home. Some people have happy little collections that are filled with all sorts of odds and ends pieces from a variety of artistic styles along the way.

For those hoping to stick with a somewhat Native American theme baskets are once again a good choice to add to the collection. Baskets are not only beautiful but also incredibly useful for keeping blankets, throws, rugs, cushions, knitting supplies, magazines and other items that you do not want cluttering up the living spaces in your home. They're also pretty good at hiding remote controls for electronic devices when you place them cleverly throughout the room.

The best suggestion for those who want to honor their Indian neighbors and ancestors by incorporating the artwork and designs into their home decorating plans are not to spend too much time planning. The Native Americans appreciated nature and allowing many things to happen naturally. Use this opportunity to learn this very important lesson while incorporating other great things that you appreciate about them into your home.

Home Decorating Catalogs

Many homeowners use home decorating catalogs to order items to make improvements to their home or to get home decorating ideas. Decorating catalogs usually provide photos of complete rooms and the opportunity to purchase any or all of the items that are used to create space. For people who are not creative, these directories are great resources for decorating tips for their home. If money is not a problem, they could buy everything featured in the home decorating catalog to create exactly the same place in their own home.

Decorating directories normally made available by major department stores, construction and home furnishing stores. These stores allow customers to visit the store to purchase merchandise, some will provide a delivery service or mail service and others have online home decorating catalogs available to shop from. Decorating catalogs are published for the benefit of the customer. These publications entice people to visit the stores hopefully with the intention to buy. Many stores send their home decorating catalogs to customer via e-mail. Providing information on the location and phone number, people can easily access their stores.

People can get a mental picture of what their space could look like by looking at live pictures of home decor catalogs. These books will provide hours of enjoyment for people who are fascinated with new trends in home furnishings. Giving examples of new colors and new accessories, home decor catalogs offer people an opportunity to stay in touch with fashion and also explore new possibilities for their space.

Furnishings are usually divided into different categories of style. Some of these styles or themes include country, French country, English country, modern, traditional, oriental, Victorian and old world. Each of these themes would have an individual section in home decorating catalogs. These individual sections focus on furniture, color, fabric and accessories related topic. If a homeowner was interested in changing the theme in his home from country to Oriental, browsing home decorating catalogs would provide valuable information and an opportunity to buy things to help change their home.

Online home decorating catalogs provide people an even better opportunity to look at the available merchandise. Internet, with its capabilities is equipped to provide enhanced images. With this in mind, a person would be able to get a clearer picture of the items in an online home decorating catalog. Not only would online home decorating catalogs provide better images, but they are very comfortable. Online shopping is fast catching on in today's society. More and more people are taking advantage of the convenience offered by shopping online. Without leaving the comfort of the home, a person who spends hours surfing the web home decorating catalogs. If they find an item or group of items they want to buy, they can do it online. With payment methods such as credit card, Paypal or COD, people can order what they need or want from online home decorating catalogs. Decorating catalogs, either online or a publication, give people access to everything they need to improve a room or entire home.

Using a Home Decorating Catalog

There are thousands of items to choose from when changing or improving your home décor. Some people are sure of what they want while others need help making a decision. Using a home decorating catalog would definitely help deciding what to use to make improvements to your home decor. In fact a home decorating catalog will likely offer so many choices, choosing a theme should not be a problem.

A home decorating catalog is a great place to view photos of the various decorating themes available such as Mediterranean, Traditional, Primitive, French Country or Contemporary, just to name a few. With bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms featured in home decorating catalog, you get the perfect opportunity to see exactly what these themes are all about. Chances are, while browsing a home decorating catalog, something will jump off the page at you. It will definitely be a room or space that interests you and provides inspiration for your home decorating project.

Using a home decorating catalog can be quite easy nowadays with access to the Internet. Many home furnishing stores and businesses use the Internet to promote their products. This is good news for you because find theme and materials you need for your project is as simple as connecting to the Internet. When connected to the Internet, you will be able to see the many home decorating catalogs available for your convenience. You will not have to suffer through long ling-ups at the department store in town, or look for an item in a flyer only to discover that it is not in stock. Online home decorating catalog website is equipped to provide information on what is available and what is not. There are also no problem finding a sales clerk when using an online home decorating catalog. It can be very frustrating if you shop at a home decor store in your area. No line-ups, no waiting and no disappointments, three good reasons to use a home decorating catalog online.

Many online home decorating businesses will send out copies of their home decorating catalog. This is also good because it gives you a chance to see other items that interest you, and get their opinion. Everyone in the family can have time to think about your ideas for home decoration project. Although an online business might send out their home decorating catalog, you still have the opportunity to buy directly from them. Chances are that you will be able either to order by phone or order online. Using payment methods like credit cards, Paypal and COD, you'll be able to order any product from the home decorating catalog and have it shipped directly to your door.

You started to be unsure about decorating design. Using a home decorating catalog, you not only made your decision, you were capable of choosing flooring, paint colors, furniture and accessories for your space. Using a home decorating catalog, you could take those choices and turn them into orders, which eventually became realistic. Using a home decorating catalog, you probably achieved much more than you thought or imagined for your home decorating project.

Home decorating with a nautical theme

For those who love the sea and everything it represents there is no better theme to bring into their home decorating plans than a nautical theme. The theme itself is quite lovely and suitable for homes and homeowners who are not so in love with the mystery and romance of the deep blue sea. For those who love the idea of ​​sailing off into the sunset, however, this is a great choice for home furnishings.

There are many ways that a creative mind can incorporate a nautical theme in home decorating plans. One of these ways is by using darkly stained wainscoting for the lower half of your walls with a chair rail to imitate wooden interior of finer sailing vessels. This mimics the interior of a sailboat and some motor yachts. This is an impressive addition in most homes and quite ambitious in some as it is the cheapest method to decorate. The effects, however, is stunning when used for this purpose.

Another good idea is to use a marine shade of blue for curtains and blinds and have them done by the same type of materials that sail covers are made of on a sailboat. If you are really ambitious, you can choose to paint the walls in this marine shade of blue and select another color for the curtains or wooden blinds instead. But white walls are perfectly acceptable when it comes to creating the look and feel of the interior of a boat.

Rope is a great tool to use to make the nautical theme a bit more authentic. You could twist the rope around picture frames, candlesticks, and all sorts of other things in order to incorporate the rope into the room without it looking out of place. If you are really ambitious, you can even string a hammock in some forgotten corner of the room to keep the coats in the winter or just to authenticate the theme to some degree.

Portals, clocks, barometers, and such make excellent art in a nautical themed room. Other great additions would include items such as seashells, sand dollars, model boats, and artwork depicting the sea. For many this is where we feel most at home, we derive our inspiration, and we literally feel as if we really can communicate with Mother Nature.

No nautical themed room or home is complete without a lighthouse to guide weary sailors home at the end of a long journey. Do not neglect an important feature such as this in your nautical themed home decorating ventures and purchases. If you are lost on how to subtly incorporate this into your room, you can look up a talented artist by the name of Thomas Kincaid. He is known as a painter of light and has managed to capture the essence of lighthouses in a way that no other artist has been able to duplicate. One of his paintings would make an excellent addition to your nautical theme.

A nautical theme for home decor is a great way to go for many families and for many reasons. All in all, it's not the most expensive of decorative themes, but it is by no means the least expensive either. The good news is that there are very few absolutely right or wrong way to achieve the look and atmosphere you want to achieve.

Home & Garden Decorative

Home and garden decorating is a hot topic. This is evident in television programming. Every second television show is related to decorating your home and garden. Programs such as Decorating Challenge, Curb Appeal and The House Doctor are great examples of home and garden decorating shows. These programs are quite interesting and quite helpful for people who are looking for ideas to make changes to their home and garden. These shows take everyday living spaces and transform them into beautiful, inviting places. Since these programs generally work with a budget, they help people realize that home and garden decorating can be accomplished without going to great expense. They also show that even small changes can make a huge difference in home and garden decor.

Home and garden decorating involves anything, materials, paint, fabric, accessories, items that can be used to make decorative improvements to a home or garden. When considering making changes around the house or in the garden, some people may feel intimidated because they are not creative nor do they have any crafty skills. Home and gardening programs, magazines, books and catalogs, show homeowners that it is not necessary to be a knowledgeable person to make home and garden decorating changes. These resources teach people that simple, basic changes and additions can transform a room, either home or garden, into something completely different and beautiful.

Many homeowners and decorators decorate so that the home and garden compliment each other. When people have beautiful gardens, they often like to have that beauty brought into their living space. An easy way to accomplish this is to display, fresh-cut flowers from the garden, throughout the home. Flowers provide a lovely, fresh scent and add color to any space. When home and garden decor, perhaps a homeowner would want to bring the country theme in their home, out into their garden. A patio can easily be decorated to portray country home decorating. This would make it possible for people to enjoy the warmth and coziness of country decorating both inside and outside the home.

There are many home and garden decorating ideas. A person can take a tour around town and find details of other houses and gardens which interest them. They can then take these ideas back to their own home and garden. Window boxes make lovely decorations for any home. These decorations, filled with seasonal flowers, can be enjoyed both in and outside the home.

Home and garden decorating can add hours of fun to your day. Since it's your space anything, that interests you, goes. If you are a person who does not like clutter, redefining your property may be a simple as removing unwanted items from your home or cutting down overgrown trees from your garden. You would be amazed at the difference it can make in your home and garden decor plans. A fresh coat of pain on the inside or outside of your house will certainly be an improvement. Replacing the wooden planks on a patio and finishing them with a rich stain would definitely compliment your garden and your home. There are many home and garden decorating ideas. When you are out with a group of friends, why not ask for home and garden decorating suggestions. When you start decorating project, you will discover all sorts of techniques to make improvements to your home and garden.

Country Home Decorating

When choosing a theme or style for decorating your home, there are many to choose from. One of the most popular decorating themes today is country home decorating. Perhaps the most popular because it provides an inviting atmosphere and overall friendly feeling. Country home decorating, because of its warm environment, is appreciated by the people who live there, as well as all those who visit.

As with any home decorating project, a homeowner must first decide if they want to use country home decorating. Some people choose to use this theme throughout their entire home while others choose to use country home decorating focusing on just one or two rooms, including the kitchen and living room. Because this style is meant for people who enjoy simplicity and the nature, some homeowners choose to carry the country decorating theme through the entire living space.

Country home decorating combines colors which are clean and bright with country furniture and accessories. When choosing colors for country home decorating, light to medium shades of white, yellow, pink, green or brown are good choices. Colors should reflect a rustic feeling. To add to the painted walls, a homeowner or decorator decide to use stencils with country character such as flowers or plants, fruits or vegetables. Wallpaper boarders are also often used in country home decorating. It is fine to use these additions but the rule of thumb is - to make sure the patterns do not clash.

In accordance with a rustic and simple theme, country home decorating uses wood - wood. When deciding on a material for a country floor, wood is a good choice. Of course, using wood in a large area can be costly. If you are looking for a cheaper way to give floors a country look, a light shade of carpet might be considered or laminate flooring. These options would also work well with the country home decorating theme. Other suggestions for country floors flagstone or tile. Some homeowners, if they're really creative, decorate their floors with stencils and create patterns. Another great way to jazz up a space is to use area rugs. In accordance with the country home decorating theme, those with an authentic look create a warm and cozy feel. Hooked, quilted and braided rugs make beautiful additions to a country floor.

When choosing furniture to compliment country home decorating, light wood or wicker is suggested. Again, these materials reflect the beauty of nature. If a homeowner or decorator decides fabric would accent their furniture, such as cushions or cover slip, floral patterns or checkered fabrics add to the authentic look.

Accessorizing a space always adds to its beauty. When buying accessories to fit in with a country home decorating theme, it is good to think about the type of atmosphere you are trying to create a warm and inviting place. Simplicity goes a long way in country home decorating. It is recommended to never use too many decorations and choose accessories that family and friends will enjoy. Photos in simple wooden frames, plain mirrors, plants and scented candles dress up country home decorating. Window treatments should also be simple. Lace or shutters give a cozy country feel. Country home decorating can be interesting and fun. Perhaps the most important detail to keep in mind is simplicity. Try not to over-decorate, remember too many patterns will clash. Too many decorations will eliminate the amount of space in a room. Country home decorating creates a relaxing and friendly environment, meant to be warm and cozy.

Home Decorating With Southwestern Flair

There's something to be said about a southwestern style home decorating plan. It is undeniably beautiful and incredibly elegant when done with an eye for the real beauty of this type of architecture and design. More importantly, in the right home, this type of furniture is nothing but fun. From geckos to cowboys and cacti to anything in between, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to southwestern design.

The southwestern design and décor style is more than one thing. It's more like a lifestyle like the Creole home decorating style. There are many things that make the southwest such a wonderful place to live and visit. It makes perfect sense that many would like to put these things in their homes to experience them day after day, even when the southwest seems so very far away. In fact, even those who have never seen or experienced the southwestern states of the United States for themselves found the style of architecture and decor to be enchanting enough to want to incorporate it into their home.

For those who are unfamiliar with home decorating in southwestern style this is a style that makes copious use of the elements when decorating. Metal, clay, water, plants and animals is a prerequisite for this type of decor. Colors are also important to this type of decor. The colors required to pull this look off will be decidedly sun baked and not bright and bold as other design styles require. Ceramic is also a very important design style of this type of decor. Have fun and be creative. Incorporate wall art into the room, some really colorful rugs throw, and some clever baskets and pottery for storage and effect and before you know it you will have a beautiful room in the grand southwestern style.

Do not make it too neat but do not let the clutter to get a grip either. Decorate with living in mind and create a room that provides no hiding place for those stray items when company pops in unexpectedly while you are at it. Pottery and baskets provide the perfect opportunity for this. Just make sure you put the items where they belong afterwards or you will find your pottery overflowing.

One thing to keep in mind about the southwest is that it has its ties to the old west rather closely. This means that you are quite likely to find a cowboy or two sitting next to an old Indian or riding on the back of the coyote. There are no hard and fast rules in the old west or the modern southwest other than the one with the fastest routing makes the rules. Enjoy the process of decorating in this grand style and you will have won half the battle. More important, however, not over think it. If it looks too contrived the look will simply fall flat. Pile blankets and rugs in the corner on top of the baskets to create height and easy access to these items when the temperatures suddenly dive at night-it's the desert right? Or at least that's the atmosphere you are going for. If you're really adventurous hang a lasso over the door somewhere for real southwestern effect.

Home Decorating with Baskets

There are very few things that you can add to your home décor that will have quite the versatility of baskets. Baskets are not only decorative touches, they also blend well with almost any decor and in most cases are very willing to suit dual purposes as both decoration and much needed storage.

Below are some smart ways to use baskets. Enjoy!

1) Mail sorter. Try to hang a row of baskets near your entryway. When you walk into your home while you sort the entry slip right item to the corresponding bin. Have a basket for each family member and drop the junk mail in the trash you placed just below the row of baskets on your wall. This way everyone has easy access to their emails and spam are also handled.

2) Kitchen organizer. There are many jobs in the kitchen that baskets pull off beautifully. Such work is of the napkin holder. There are actually baskets from a famous brand that is absolutely perfect size for holding napkins for the dinner table. Additionally tall baskets make excellent holders for kitchen utensils must be within reach of the stove. There are also small baskets make excellent holders for small jars often use seasonings such as salt and pepper. Stay tuned next time you are in the kitchen and consider all the great ways baskets could help.

3) Knitting supplies. Larger baskets are excellent tools to tame the beast that can easily become your supply of knitting tools and notions. Narrow your collection into a large basket and eliminate the things that do not fit. This keeps you on top of your knitting supplies while keeping them out of the area and protected from dirty baby paws.

4) umbrella holder. This is an excellent use for a basket if you have one of the right size. Place it on the floor next to your coat rack or closet or in the hall and you will always have ready access to your umbrellas when bad weather comes your way.

5) magazine rack. This is a very common use for baskets but one that should surely be mentioned.

6) Toy Box. Maybe this is a favorite among parents who are lucky enough to have an extra empty basket at any given time. Anytime unexpected company shows up this is a great tool for quickly gathering all stray toys and getting them out of sight.

7) Office supplies. There are many baskets that make excellent organizers and holders for office supplies. From pen and pencil holders to those that are ideal for paper clips, sticky notes, and liquid paper are many cars that are almost perfect for a home office.

8) laundry basket. This is yet another great use for a basket. They can be inhaled by the very nature of their design so that if for any reason a wet wash clothes or damp towel gets thrown in it does not necessarily spell ruin for the whole lot of laundry.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the virtues of baskets but a good place to start the next time you have an internal debate about whether or not to invest money in a good quality basket for your home decorating needs.

A Patriotic Home Decorating Theme

Are you hard core red, white and blue? If so, your country needs you to stand up and present your true colors to the world. This can be easily accomplished by celebrating everything American with your home decorating plans. Believe it or not patriotic is the thing to be in post 9-11 America and the way you decorate your home can let the world know exactly where your true convictions lie.

There are many things you can do to bring Old Glory front and center in your home that does not require you to drape your furniture with the American flag or the flag hanging in every window. In fact, most would frown on that practice. One thing that can be said without fail though is that nothing can change the overall impression a room gives as completely as a bucket of paint and a brush. In other words, the best place to start is often with the walls of your home. Painting a backdrop of red and trimming with blue and white makes a bold and powerful statement. There is also a rather lovely statement if you choose the right shades of red, white and blue.

In addition to paint there are all kinds of country style décor that would compliment a patriotic theme quite nicely. From stars that are designed to hang on the wall to patchwork quilts in these patriotic shades and a quilt rack that can either stand against the wall or hang on the wall. Quilts are outstanding choices that give color to a room as well as an excellent method for adding warmth. In addition to many quilts there are also plenty of throws and blankets that can bring these colors front and center in almost every room in the home.

Besides walls, the furniture can be painted to match the walls and other colors you want to incorporate into the room. There's nothing quite like walking into a home that has its full patriotic splendor shining for all the world to see. It's a beautiful thing made even more poignant now that the first wave of patriotism after the September 11 attacks has faded somewhat. For those who are true patriots there are few better ways to show it than by making your home a proof of your patriotism.

Candles are another great way to show your patriotic spirit. Red, white and blue candles are made in many beautiful colors and scents. You should be able to find something appropriate in this color combination if you look hard enough. More importantly, the fragrance a great (and often overlooked) way to add another dimension to your home decorating endeavors. If you want to really make an impression burn apple pie scented candles on a regular basis, so that your home almost always smells as American as apple pie. In addition to candles of course are fragrance warmers, air sprays, and simmering pots in which this scent can be found (especially if you prefer a scent layering affect in your home).

Whether you simply like the look of patriot blue or you feel that you are a true American through and there are very few wrong reasons to incorporate the red, white and blue that represents America into your home decor. Patriotism seems to be a dying art time, perhaps your bold statement can inspire others to do the same.

Fall for Home Decorating

Autumn is the time of year when you can literally smell the changes. Leaves are burning, peanuts are roasting, and most people are just beginning to fill a hint of a chill in the air. More than smelling the changes that will allow you to see them. The leaves begin to take on brilliant hues and the colors are spectacular to watch and witness. This is the time of year that thoughts begin to turn to football, hiking, and the upcoming holidays (for there is a lot on the horizon).

Fall contains two primary holidays for many people. These include Halloween and Thanksgiving. Keep these holidays in mind when planning your primary fall home decorating scheme and make small adjustments to accommodate holiday. Personally, I love the colors associated with autumn. The yellows, shades of gold, orange and brown are favorites for my decorating taste. I always regret a little that this time of year is often overshadowed by Christmas as it approaches and the expectations of others that I decorate for Christmas almost immediately after celebrating Thanksgiving.

For those who lack inspiration when it comes to home decorating for fall, keep the colors mentioned above in mind. A great theme to incorporate decorating process would be the theme of leaves. Leaves falling from the trees are one of the most common associations with this time of year and it's a great look to incorporate into your home. You can even find leaf garlands in fall shades if you are inclined to look for them. The leaves can also be incorporated into lovely centerpieces and floral arrangements to hallmark the season.

Harvest is another common association with autumn. It is also fairly easy to incorporate into most home decorating designs. Gourds make an excellent accent piece for this time of year and you can find true in almost all vegetables along with many realistic imitations gourds. These can be used, much like or along with leaves, as part of centerpieces, in floral arrangements, in tabletop decorations, and even to hold place cards for large gatherings. They are incredibly versatile and colorful and make a great addition to any autumn home decorating venture.

Pumpkins are essentially gourds but they have a special place all their own in the fall home decorating scheme. Pumpkins have a special association with both Halloween and Thanksgiving (pumpkin pie anyone) and should not be overlooked as an important tool for decoration. Moreover, they are just bright, colorful and cheerful to have around the house. To avoid the stench of rotting pumpkins simply avoid carving them if you intend to keep them around for a while. Those that are carved should be placed outside and only carved within days of the "big day".

A major highlight of the idea in general for fall would include a large bowl, in outstanding fall colors such as a burnt orange or a shade of gold. For the first part of autumn you can fill the centerpiece with candies that are wrapped in fall colors. This is ideal for family munchies as well as trick or therapist who can find their way to your door on Halloween. When the holiday is over you can fill the bowl with colorful leaves and gourds to complete the look. This will carry you through Thanksgiving when it is time to start thinking about Christmas decorations and wintertime rather than fall.

Whether you love fall like I do or dread its appearance each year for whatever reason there is little denying that fall is ripe with decorating ideas and ideals. Take time to look around your local craft store and see where inspiration strikes. It is never too early or too late in the year to start thinking about what you will do for your home decorating plan in seasons to come.

Tuscan - A Great Home Decorating Idea

If you have difficulty in making a decision about a home decorating theme is Tuscan style a great home decorating idea. Many homeowners are attracted to the tuscan style because it combines subtle elegance with simplicity. Using a palette of earthly tones, tuscan style, which is an Italian country design, is meant to bring the outdoors inside. This great home decorating idea uses different materials to help achieve this goal. Tuscan style is unique and beautiful.

When deciding to use a Tuscan theme to decorate your home, you will want to use textures. This home decorating idea implements the use of various structures, such as stone and tile for floors. This helps to create a natural atmosphere. Drywall is proposed for the walls to add texture. This would provide an opportunity for you to be creative and even have fun. Tables are often made of stone. Tile mosaics are another recommendation for tables in tuscan home decorating.

Each home decorating theme that focuses on nature uses wood. Tuscan style makes great use of wood. An example of this is the exposed frame is constructed of large wooden beams. This great home decorating idea uses wood in furniture. The goal is to make it look older look. This can be accomplished using staining techniques. Of course if wanting furniture which looks really old, antique furniture would be the perfect choice.

Tuscan decorating is based on a heritage. By using this Tuscan heritage attachments can be brought out. Accessories that are homemade are common for this home decorating idea. Ceramic is a great thing in Tuscan decor. Silver frames, silver candlesticks, copper pots, all of these are common in Tuscan design. Wine and glass, these are also popular accessories for this great home decorating idea. Large glass jars filled with olives, another great idea for Tuscan decor. Terracotta is a popular color when using the tuscan theme so it might be nice to use terra cotta pots or vases.

Tuscan fabric is in a class by itself. When using this home decorating idea, you will look for fabrics made of burlap, abaca fiber, fibers from the banana tree, savannah cloth and tobacco cloth. These are all fabrics used to create a natural place. These materials are very versatile and can be used for just about anything in your decorating project. Curtains, drapes, blinds, dividers, screens, placemats, floor mats, all of these are created from the various tuscan fabrics because of their weight, density and flexibility.

This great home decorating idea makes use good use of colors like yellow and red. These colors are probably used in tassels or painted beads in tie-backs to accent the drapes. Using yellow and red ribbon to decorate accessories like candlesticks or jugs is common in Tuscan decor. Any material or accessory which resembles the sea, the earth or the forest, make great additions to Tuscan style home decor. This great home decorating idea found in Tuscan style, is a good choice for your space. The color, texture, fabric and accessories will create a warm and inviting feeling in any space in your home. This theme of simplicity and nature is a great home decorating idea.

Home Decorating-fashioned style

The "Old World" Style of Decorating is one that brings all the elements of nature in the game. Metals, clay, stone, wood, and countless other elements combine to create an atmosphere that is as charming as it is ageless. This is what old-fashioned means of a modern kitchen. Despite the idea that this would be an inexpensive way to decorate the truth is that this type of decorating for a kitchen, probably more than any other room in the home, can add up pretty quickly. The good news is that the results are often breathtaking when all is said and done.

The kitchen of a home is often the family center. This is the place where meals are prepared and sometimes eaten. It is also the place where families gather and discuss plans for the evening and the day's events. It is often the place where homework is completed and heartaches is commiserated with pints glass. Your kitchen is one room in the home that will probably experience more emotional moments than any other room in your home. For this reason, it makes sense that it would be the most expensive and comprehensive furnished rooms in your home.

When starting with the walls of an old-fashioned kitchen you may want to consider plaster or some soft of faux finish that looks like plaster to give the walls of your kitchen a really old look. Aged yellows and shades of gold is an excellent choice for these walls as it blends nicely with the terra cotta and stone accents that should grace the rest of the kitchen and the dark colored woods. Of course, the walls are just the beginning.

You will want to ensure that the lights do not go against the old world home decorating that you are incorporating by being too modern and bright appearance. Wrought iron light fixtures and chandeliers, as well as low light wall sconces work wonderfully in an old-style kitchen. Keep in mind that many of the old-style home decorating ideas can spill over into the rest of your home from your kitchen or can be used to set your kitchen apart as the warm center of your home. Either way a kitchen that this will make a great impression.

Light can also be used to improve the look of old world your kitchen. Of course candles are a great touch in every room in the house as far as I'm concerned. They can be used to create an atmosphere, set a mood, or simply as a method to add a subtle hint of fragrance to the air. In addition to candles, grapes are another great addition to an old-style kitchen. From wine to the simple pleasure of grapes straight off the vine these tasty fruits are almost a must in a kitchen of this kind. Wrought Iron rack large and small is a common addition to most kitchen of this kind. These racks can be used to hold wine as intended or can be used for other creative purposes such as keeping paper towels or some other creative way for those who do not drink wine.

Ceramic and terracotta are also welcome additions in this type of cuisine. They, like plaster, colors, wood, and stone add another degree of warmth to a room that just radiates warmth and charm to all who enter. Use pottery to hold the usual utensils, straws, toothpicks, fruit and vegetables that do not require refrigeration. Use platters as art and terra cotta planters to hold herbs growing along the windowsill. In other words, let your imagination run wild as you create the old-fashioned atmosphere in your kitchen. You just might be surprised where it takes you.

Home Decorating Photos

The quote, "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true for many, many situations. This famous quote applies to home furnishing. Many people draw their inspiration for their decorating projects from home decorating pictures. It is difficult to visualize a room decorated using the various design themes. You think a lot of French Country style is perfect for your kitchen but when you see this style used in home decorating pictures, you may change your mind. Contemporary style is hot nowadays with its trendy accessories, fabric and furniture, but it's for your home? Browsing home decorating pictures of contemporary design will help you decide if it's for your home or not. Tuscan design sounds beautiful when you read about it in magazines and books but until you see those home decorating pictures with Tuscan design, you can not be sure if it would work in your home.

Decorating pictures are very beneficial when making plans to decorate both the inside and outside of your home. Pictures either confirm your visions or provide a totally different reality. Decorating pictures gives you an opportunity to browse and pick a design that suits you and your home. There are so many designs to choose from, some you've probably never heard of. Current home decorating pictures give you a chance to see all the latest trends in home decor for every room in your home.

Decorating pictures portray homes and spaces that often seem out of the realm of possibility for you and your home. Because these spaces are so elegantly decorated and look so perfect and professional, you may assume that it can not be achieved in your space. This is not true. Decorating pictures give you the finished product, the end result of much planning and work. Decorating is a process, and you can also work through this process to create rooms similar to those in the home decorating pictures. With thousands of resources available to homeowners today, there's no reason you can not have an elegant dining room just like the one you saw in home decorating pictures.

There are so many magazines, catalogs, books, and websites related to interior home decorating. These resources provide many useful tools and give great advice for decorating your home. As you begin your planning, you can not imagine your space will resemble those in the home decorating pictures. The great news is - it certainly can. Using home decorating pictures as guides for your planning, you can choose colors, furnishings and accessories to improve your space and make it picture perfect. In home decorating, almost anything is possible if you are willing to be open and accepting advice. Many home decorating pictures display rooms in bold colors that you just can not imagine using in your home. It's when you have to relax and go out on a limb. To get that picture perfect room, you may need to compromise your normal methods of decorating. But if you definitely want the bathroom in the home decorating pictures, you need to put away those normal habits and adopt brand new ones.

Decorating your home for Christmas

Christmas is an extremely busy time of year. By the time you get you shopping done, gifts wrapped and your cookies and cakes baked, it's likely that you do not have the energy left to put into extravagant decor. Although less than energetic, you still want your home decorated for Christmas. After all, Christmas is just not the same without lights and decorations.

Decorating your home for Christmas does not have to be stressful. There are many things you can do and items you can use to dress up your home for this wonderful season. One suggestion when decorating your home for Christmas use ribbon. If you have a decorating theme for Christmas, regarding color, choose ribbon to match your theme. You can build ties to all sorts of items in your home such as chair backs, garlands, basket handles, stair railings and even doorknobs. Ribbons and bows are very festive. A good idea is to choose ribbon which can be easily untied and retied. This allows you to reuse the tape another season.

Using holiday tableware is nice when decorating your home for Christmas. Search your home for anything Christmas, plates, bowls, mugs, glasses, each piece of porcelain that has a Christmas theme. Make sure you use these items every meal, every day throughout the holiday season. Another good idea is to buy a few pieces each year. In time, you will have enough china to serve the whole community.

Lighting is important when decorating your home for Christmas. During the month of December off your lights. Make use of your candles in every room of your home. Place candles on the dining table, coffee and end tables in the living room and perhaps place a nice scented pillar candle in the bathroom. Do not just put them there for decorations, but also make sure to light them each night. If you have a fireplace, make sure to light it and enjoy it. A fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere which is nice when guests are visiting.

Decorating your home for Christmas should always include a Christmas tree. After decorating the tree with your homemade ornaments and strung popcorn, use the leftover branches to make arrangements for your home. Place the greens in a basket or bowl, add pinecones, bows and ornaments. Use the branches to make swags to hang over doors throughout your home. Take the evergreen sprigs and place them around your home, on windows, on a bookcase shelf or on a ledge. Evergreen branches and sprigs certainly reflect Christmas. Not only do they look nice but they spread a lovely aroma throughout the home.

Christmas is a time to celebrate. It is a time to pull out all the stops. Snow is always nice for Christmas. When decorating your home for Christmas, why not use snow, artificial snow to add a sparkle to your home. Sprinkle it on the dining table, cage or the fireplace. Use ornaments which reflect light and hang them around your home, from doors or even indoor trees and plants. This will definitely look dazzling at night as flickering candles lit ornaments. Decorating your home for Christmas should not be a dreadful task but a delightful experience. One thing to remember when decorating your home for Christmas is not over-think your plan. Keep it simple because simplicity is elegant and beautiful.

Home Decorating for Summer

Summer is the perfect time of year to wear your true patriotic colors. This is the time of year to enjoy watermelon, fried chicken, corn on the cob, and apple pie. It's that time of year when the days are long, nights are hot, and watching fireflies light up the night sky is one of the many joys that should not be forgotten. Summer home decorating styles should keep all these things in mind and so much more.

Sunflowers are an excellent place to start when it comes to summer decorating. They make an excellent statement and immediately (for many) bring to mind sunshine and summer. The bright yellow of these flowers is a great accent for almost any room in the home and they are quite common in the silk form, as they have experienced some degree of popularity in recent years. This means that you can enjoy the beauty of these sunflowers summer after summer if that is your desire.

Baskets are also a great thing to collect for summertime decorating. You can place some of the most beautiful sunflowers in baskets throughout the house for added effect. Baskets can also be used to tame the clutter, hide the bills, and keep the utensils in the kitchen. These are quite versatile and can be used in almost any room in the house. Some even use baskets in the bathroom to hold towels and / or wash clothes. Baskets also transition well into other seasons if you decide to change the liners or add seasonally appropriate band to the exterior of the baskets.

If you are handy with a paint brush some excellent summer decorating ideas include painting old wooden tables and chairs white and sponging on either apples or watermelons according to your fancy. A small round table with a few chairs can make an excellent (and often inexpensive) addition to a sunroom or breakfast nook. Of course you can also stencil on some sunflowers, sunshine, or stick figures playing ball. Whatever strikes your fancy would be a great addition to this clever home decorating idea.

If you want a little sizzle to your summer theme try going to a Moroccan themed evenings in your home. Mosaic candle holders and wall sconces along with a few large pillows in rich fabrics can greatly enhance this atmosphere without breaking the piggy bank in the process. Candles and indirect lighting further enhance the mood and incense burning in the background.

Others prefer to lend their home decorating skills for summertime to the outside of their home. This is often done by creating an outdoor living room. Even most mass retailers are getting in on the profits that can be obtained by creating an elegant exterior living area for most families. Gone are the days when plastic chairs were adequate for the requirements of consumers. Today's outdoor living room is filled with stylish and feature eco-friendly furnishings that appeal to many different design styles and tastes.

In addition to the many wonderful furnishing options for exterior living areas many families are choosing to incorporate fireplaces to make the living area livable during other times of the year than the summer and outdoor cooling system that helps families keep their cool while enjoying the great outdoors during the summer. By creating an atmosphere outside your home where you can enjoy the summer to make the most of the space available for you and bring a good bit of cooking outside which often helps to keep energy costs down too.

Summertime is a great time for home furnishings for those who are inclined to let their imaginations run wild. This is a time of year when most people can remember how it felt to be a child in school and enjoy the memories. Capitalizing on these memories and incorporate them into your decor for a stunning appeal.

Free Home Decorating Ideas

Everyone appreciates home decorating ideas when planning to make improvements to their home. You may have visions of your own about how your new home décor would look but it's always nice to have an alternative plan. There's definitely home decorating ideas that you have not discovered. There are constantly changes being made regarding trends in home decorating. Checking out new home decorating ideas may give rise to a new home decorating plan for your space.

Being able to find home decorating ideas is a treat but having access to free home decorating ideas is a real gift. Good news, there are free home decorating ideas available to you. Often when you pick up a magazine, perhaps while waiting at the doctor's office, something in the home decorating section catches your eye. Arranging tips and techniques for home improvements, this magazine provides you free home decorating ideas. Another great source of information about home decoration and interior design is a catalog from major stores such as Sears, Zellers or Ikea. Advertising their products, they use illustrations of fully decorated rooms. Browsing catalogs such as these you'll find many free home decorating ideas.

Take a trip to your local furniture store or department store is sure to provide free home decorating ideas. Many stores have displays that are continuous changes to share new and trendy home furnishings. The front window of a furniture store is a great place to catch a glimpse of beautifully arranged home decor. Again, window displays such as this are considered free home decorating ideas.

One of the best sources of free home decorating ideas is the Internet. There are hundreds of sites on the Internet related to home decorating with thousands of free home decorating ideas. There are sites which explain in depth the various home decorating designs and offer ideas to help you achieve these styles in your own home. Some sites offer step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself home decorating and renovation projects. These free home decorating ideas are your chance to create rooms and spaces similar to those decorated by professional interior designers. With the help of these free home decorating ideas, you'll be equipped to transform your home into something you only dream off. You may be very surprised at what you can actually accomplish as an inexperienced interior decorator.

Decorating a home or space is a very exciting activity. It requires a lot of work in terms of planning and the actual decorating, but the results are definitely worth it. Being able to sit back after living through weeks or renovations and home decorating is a delight. Being able to look around your home at the beautiful changes and realize you are responsible, that feeling is overwhelming. Knowing that you were able to achieve these results by using free home decorating ideas may be astonishing. You may feel so great about your accomplishment that you'll be eager to take on another room. When you are ready to begin another home decorating or renovating project, you'll be able to plan it with added confidence realizing there are thousands of free home decorating ideas to help you.

Winter Home Decorating

Most people start home decorating process for winter with a bang only to end with a whimper. Too few people realize that Christmas is only the beginning of the winter season and that while Christmas decorations are a nice addition, they are also a temporary decorative addition in most homes lasting little more than a month if that long. This leaves two months of winter with a sparsely decorated home in many cases.

There are many things associated with winter, but too many of these things have been swept under the category Christmas decor and their values ​​as simple hallmarks winter have forgotten or relegated to the mere distinction of yet another Christmas decoration. Winter months for some are long and cold. Something that gives a feeling of warmth and happiness in the home is usually an excellent idea as a winter home decor.

Believe it or not, animals hibernating for many leads to a feeling of winter. Try using black bears as a home decorating theme to make your home feel a little more cozy and better prepared for the cold nights in the winter. Flannel is a great addition to these delightful black bears and can be used in throws, bedding and curtains to complete the look with style and sophistication. In fact you might want to throw in a few flannel pillows so that you can try to hibernate right along with cuddly black bear. These are quite popular home furnishings as of late so you should have no problem finding a bear or two unless you happen to be in my district, as I have probably snapped them up already.

Fireplaces. Not enough can be said about the possibility of a nice fireplace to add warmth and a wintertime glow to almost any room. It really is not winter for most people, unless there is a nice fire burning in the grate. The heat is so much more than just physical it is also soul soothing and comforting to watch a fire burning in front of your eyes while warming your cold hands and feet. These nifty devices can also add a touch of romance to your winter nights so be sure to keep cozy blankets and candles close by as well.

Speaking of light. Much like a fireplace candles add a warm joy to the rooms they touch. There are certain scents that are perfect for winter candles burning but even less appropriate fragrances are often welcome during winter months because they provide the soft glow that makes the world seem so much smaller and friendlier in the process. Keep this in mind when shopping for your winter home decorating ideas ideas and the fact that fragrances matter when creating an atmosphere so choose the fragrances appropriately for the season.

Use pillows and blankets in winter decorating to add layers of warmth and comfort and visual appeal. It's amazing what the mind can do in the winter, but one of the more amazing things it does is to convince you that you are hot when you are surrounded by warmth. With blankets and pillows lining your sofas and chairs but if your mind does not convince you, there is always the option of just bundling up and letting your body convince your mind. There is also something comforting about comfort and close softness of the pillows and blankets if you are in perfect health or really feeling the cold in winter down the legs.

Do not let the celebration of winter end when the Christmas tree comes down. Find ways to incorporate warmth into your home decorating style that only winter can accommodate. Embrace the season with love and laughter and everything that comes into your home will be warmed by the charming atmosphere inside.

Home Decorating with textured paint

Structural color and faux finishes have become more popular in recent years than at any other time in history. One reason for this is because so many home improvement stores offer classes for those who are willing to pay the price for the paint so that the average Joe or Jane can recreate these fabulous finishes on their own walls as well. In fact, it is truly amazing what works of art can be created with the clever and creative use of textured paint.

Faux finishes can be used to create the illusion of anything from plaster or brick to leather and a few amazing things in between. Those who are skilled at applying faux finishes are in great demand for their artistic talents but most home owners can do a passable job if they are willing to take the time necessary to properly learn the technique. Even wood grain can be imitated with the help of a talented faux finisher and paint.

Using structured colors and faux finishes can be done in almost any room in the house but they seem to be most common in living rooms and kitchens as a major design feature. There are some ambitious homeowners who have decided to take this type of painting in every room of the home. Although it may seem a good idea in theory there are some drawbacks to this as well.

First of all, textured paints and faux finishes are very time consuming. If you hire a professional to do the work their time is a lot of your money and this is something that really needs to be considered. Is time really worth the reward of the finished project as far as you as a homeowner, are concerned? Most people think it is not worth so much money and time but others really appreciate the look and feel that it is essential to their enjoyment of their home. Whichever category you fall into, it is important that you realize that this can be a costly proposition.

Another thing to consider is that many who manage to get a texture or faux finish of some sort in every room of their homes often decide after a little while to remove some of their hard work. The reason for this is that in small doses faux finishes and textured paints are novel and spectacular. In large doses they can be more than a little overwhelming and, more importantly, unimpressive. There's something to be said about the fact that sometimes less is more.

This does not mean that some homes do not wear faux finishes beautifully in almost every nook and cranny. Some homes are simply meant to be decorated from one end of the home to the other end. These homes are simply lovely no matter how many new finishes are added to walls, furniture, fireplace mantles, and bathroom cabinets. There never seems to be too much in these homes. There are some homes however that beg for moderation when it comes to designs such as this. Listen to your home when decorating and you should have a much better decorating experience overall without overwhelming either your home or your guests.

If faux finishes and / or textured painting is something you would like to incorporate into your home decorating plans you'll be pleased to discover that there are many, many resources both online and offline that can help you with your goals. The first and the best choice is to check with local hardware and home improvement stores to see if they are offering any free workshops on faux finishes or textured painting in your area. If they are then you are set. But if they are not your local library may prove to be a valuable source for videos, magazines and books that offer step-by-step instructions. The Internet is also an excellent source. Do not forget the value of spaces such as YouTube and Google Video as they may have some actual demonstrations or how to videos to help as well.

Mobile Home Decorating

Mobile home decorating presents challenges in terms of space. The rooms in mobile homes are small and require ideas and tips about decorating small spaces. If you are planning to decorate your camper, they may have compromised somewhat because of the space. But there are ways to achieve your ideal theme in mobile home decorating.

The first step in mobile home decorating or decorating any small space is to get rid of clutter. Sort your things and get rid of all the unnecessary and unwanted items. This will automatically make your space look bigger. Find places to hide things like under table skirts or behind closed doors. Make sure everything is neatly stored and out of view will open up the space. While things and clearing away, you might want to rearrange your furniture. Make sure large pieces of furniture are not blocking walkways or entrances. Also place tall furniture to a wall and not in an open space. Mobile home decorating is about creating space in an area that does not have much space.

Choosing color is important in mobile home decorating. To create an open, larger atmosphere, you should use light, cool colors. Painting your walls in soft tones of blue or green give an open, airy feel. You should also choose colors within the same color family in mobile home decor. Not only when picking paint colors but also when choosing fabric for curtains or upholstery.

The rooms look larger when they are well lit. In mobile home decorating it is very important to ensure that the rooms have plenty of light. Stay away from heavy curtains or drapes for your windows. Use window treatments that are lighter to allow the brightness from the outside in order to provide plenty of light in your room, have lamps, track lighting or recessed lighting installed. Small spaces need more light.

There are little tricks for mobile home decorating. Using reflective materials is one trick to make a room look bigger. Using mirrored tiles or a large mirror on one wall will definitely make a room look bigger. You may not be fond of mirrored walls but this may be a compromise you have to make. Another trick is to use see-through material. This will make objects look further away. This idea can be used in shower doors or table tops.

When choosing furniture for mobile home decorating, it is better to pick the pieces. It may sound strange, but some larger furniture is much better than several small pieces of furnishings. Using several pieces, is the space cluttered when two or three bigger pieces will allow for more openness in a room. If covering your furniture, be sure to pick simple colors instead of prints, plaids or stripes. If you want to add something extra, use texture but also in usual neutral tones. Choosing plain and neutral colors for light, sheer window treatments, bedskirts and tablecloths give an airy feel, too. Owning a small home like a mobile home can provide problems when decorating but if you follow the advice and suggestions for mobile home decorating, your home can be comfortable and feel much larger than it actually is.

Home Decorating in the Tudor Fashion

Tudor style home exteriors are rather easy to identify. Many people drive by them quite regularly with jaws dropped and eyes on the simple beauty and elegance of this style of architecture. From humble cottages to grand castles the Tudor style of architecture is very memorable indeed. When decorating the interior of a home in the Tudor fashion there is no set in stone rules though there are some details that are the hallmarks of Tudor style and beauty.

One thing you can do to create a sense of Tudor style to your home, even if your home was not built in Tudor style is to incorporate the use of beams in the interior as decorative touches. When the original Tudor style of architecture was about this was more a design of need than an opportunity. Today the paneling serves as a reminder of the beauty that has earned this period of history and architecture such fame. This is only one method, however, can be used to determine a Tudor style on the inside of a home.

The floors in Tudor homes were made of either brick or flagstone. Many people today choose stones to portray a remarkably accurate look with a modern twist. These floors were often covered with ornate Oriental rugs (in wealthier homes) or small wool rugs in more humble abodes. If you try to imitate the wealthier Tudor style house nothing but Oriental style rugs will do in the more prominent areas of the home. Remember that it is reasonably beautiful imitations available in the market at prices that the average homeowner can afford.

Ornate tapestries adorned the walls often in order to complete the richness of the look in wealthier homes. This is a style that is often imitated in homes attempting to cling to their Tudor roots around the world. It is a beautiful affect however and one that is well worth adding to your home if you try to insert a Tudor style in your home decorating efforts.

As far as the bedroom goes, the beds were the focal points of these rooms. Solidly built four post beds were the thrones in these homes and made fit for the king of all castle no matter how humble it may be. The posts and feet on these beds were cut and quite beautiful. This is a remarkable recreation to include in your home to provide an authentic Tudor atmosphere for the interior. In wealthier homes, rich fabrics canopied these massive beds to provide privacy and elegance.

To create an authentic Tudor atmosphere in a home today, you would also want to incorporate some sort of wrought iron chandeliers in the home as well as wall sconces for lighting. This is the type of lighting that is often used at the time and will give credibility to the scene you are trying to recreate. This to me is one of the most amazing effects that can be included in a home decorating plan in this day and age. If timeless beauty and elegance is the goal, then this is definitely a style of décor you will want to consider for your home.

Decorating your home gym

Homeowners are famous for renovating and redecorating. There is a place in their home that needs a new look, out comes the color swatches and home decorating magazines. It does not matter what place you have chosen to decorate, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen or even a home gym. Decorating can make improvements to any area in your home. Decorating your home gym is probably not on the top of your list, but why not add some life to the room that is supposed to be motivating and full of energy.

If you think about decorating your home gym, you can first and foremost consider the purpose of this room. A home gym is a space that is used to train, work out and recharge the batteries. This area is intended to be motivational and used by energetic people. With these factors in mind, you should decorate your home gym to increase the space, adding to the environment and improve the room's appearance.

Decorating your home gym may require some thought and imagination. This task may be difficult for you if the home gym is not one of your favorite rooms in the house. If you are not an active person or interested in using your home gym, finding ways to improve the space may not really interest you, at least not as much as decorating your kitchen would. If you have trouble coming up with ideas for decorating your home gym, you may want to seek advice or flip through a few home decorating catalogs.

Pick a theme for your home gym can be challenging. It is not just a place to put a fancy, slip-covered country chair. Simple colors will not likely fit your home gym. Decorating your home gym ought to breathe life into space. Using bright colors and lots of lighting can enhance the mood, adding energy to the room. When decorating your home gym, you may want to choose a modern theme. Using vivid colors and trendy furniture would definitely make the room feel alive.

Deciding on accessories for your home gym can be interesting. Beautiful flowers and nice ornaments will not bring anything to your home gym. This is a place created to work on your physical strength and appearance, not meant to be quiet and peaceful to work on your spiritual strength. When decorating your home gym remembering the room's purpose should be able to help with ideas for accessories. Watches make nice additions to home gyms. When working out people are constantly timing themselves and their progress. A good stereo can be considered when decorating your home gym. Listen to music, loud lively music helps set the mood while you exercise. A TV is a must have in your home gym. Watch your favorite TV shows are a great distraction when using stationary exercise equipment. You get all caught up in the program and before you realize it, you've peddled the exercise bike for thirty minutes.

Although originally may have been a little worried about the idea of ​​decorating your home gym, when you get involved in the project and get your creative juices flowing, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. With help from other sources like home decorating magazines, this project can be just the motivation needed to entice you to use your home gym regularly.

Home Decorating for Halloween

If there is ever a time of year when ghosts and goblins roam the streets of the modern world, then would be Halloween. Today's ghost and goblins are probably a little more frightening than at any other time in history but they are often tempered by a princess seeking frogs and a few witches and wizards along the way. Halloween is a great day to be a child, but can also be a great day for adults as well. Decorating for Halloween can be almost as fun as going out and begging for candy any day of the week.

Additionally, having a well decorated home for this holiday gives you the perfect excuse to scare the evil out of some young ghoul or vampire that thinks he or she has the market cornered on frightening. The really cool thing about decorating for Halloween is that it is not one size fits all. You are totally free to find some very scary home decor for this wonderful holiday or take on a kinder, gentler, more kid friendly style decor. Either decision is yours and yours alone and should carefully monitor the scare-ability of your own children when deciding. You really do not want them afraid to come home.

For a more frightening Halloween scene you will probably want to use some strobe lights, frightening music and sound effects, dry ice in order to incorporate spooky fog, and plenty of spider web type network in order to give those who dare approach your door bells a complete and thorough case chills. Does not this sound like so much fun? Coffins with headless straw men are also a great addition as well as skittering spiders and the occasional chainsaw or two. A luminous hockey mask may also be a good choice. Bodiless heads suspended by fishing wire are also quite the highlight for a true and robust fright.

If your goal is to create a kid friendly Halloween atmosphere there are cheerful pumpkin decorations that can be found in many shapes and sizes as well as Casper the friendly ghost, Frankenstein piñatas, and countless other fun party favors that are designed to provide entertainment and delight rather than terror and far . String pumpkin lights around the porch for added lighting and another friendly face in addition to keeping plenty of candles and lanterns lit nearby. Not all trick or treaters are older kids who appreciate a good scare so keep this in mind as the little ghosts, goblins, princesses and super heroes arrive.

For adult gatherings all bets are off when it comes to home decorating for Halloween. There are all kinds of themes that can be followed from the incredibly zany and outrageous too frightening or flamboyant. The main proposals on these issues is to have fun all the time and keep being the party rather than having the decorations upstage your efforts. Too many people spend more time concerned with how they will decorate their homes rather than wondering how they will decorate themselves for the festivities. If you find the perfect costumes all eyes will be on you and not your decorations.

Favorite suggestions for adult parties would include strobe lights, much like the frightening scene described above, low additional lights, perhaps black lights near the food and drink area of ​​the party. More dry ice (if tolerable some people have difficulties with the smell particularly those with allergies or asthma so you may want to avoid this in your home and leave it to the outside). Hay bales in the corner make excellent additional seating and can contribute to the harvest / autumn / Halloween atmosphere you are trying to create. Just remember that the underlying goal is for you and your guests to have a good time. Have good food, good music and good friends, and the decorations really and truly should be a secondary issue.

Interior Decorating Plans for your Home Bar

Your home bar is an area that is enjoyed by you as well as those who visit your home. Although a home bar is not essential in a home, it is a great addition to any room. If intending to use this space often, interior decorating plans for your home bar are important. Finding techniques and ideas to make this space welcoming and enjoyable would be a great asset.

Depending on the general theme of your home decor, you may want to use similar ideas and techniques with home decoration plans for your home bar. However, it is not necessary to stick to the same theme. You can easily use different design themes throughout your home. Since your home bar is a place to kick back and relax, you may want to pick calming colors such as blue and green. These colors give a soothing and relaxing atmosphere.

When picking furniture in interior decorating plans for your home bar, you will definitely need bar stools, There are all kinds of bar stools to choose from. There is a standard wooden bar stool which is handy because it matches almost any design style. There are fancier stools with upholstery done in different color leathers. Some bar stools can swivel and others are stationary. The decision of your interior design plans for your home bar should probably be based on comfort since this space is used for socializing.

Interior decorating plans for your home bar should include accessories that are entertaining as the music. A stereo would surely make your home bar a big success. People like to listen to music while sitting and chatting. If your budget allows it, you can include a small television in interior decorating plans for your home bar. It would be a nice place to sit, have refreshments and watch football or hockey game.

Obviously your home bar will require beverages of any kind. Your interior design plans for your home bar must include a cooler or bar fridge to keep drinks cold. Many people install a bar sink in their home bar. This is a convenience because it eliminates the need to bring the glass back and forth to the kitchen to wash. Obviously you need glasses that are included in your decorating plans for your home bar. Choose different sizes and styles glasses would be a good idea because not everyone will require the same type. There are many small details that you can include in your decorating plans for your bar. Keeping with the color scheme you might pick coasters and other accessories to match.

Lighting is very important when making interior decorating plans for your home bar. There are different choices of lighting such as track-lighting and recess lighting for example. Many people use recess lighting in their home bars. This is a neat and tidy way to install lighting. Having the lights installed in the home bar is popular. Lighting could be adjusted up or down is also a good idea for your home bar. If entertaining a big crowd you may want the lights up but if sitting relaxing alone, you can enjoy a quieter and dimmer atmosphere.

Home Decorating: Kitchen on a Budget

Decorating a home can be a trying thing to do with the best of budgets. The fact that you do not happen to have large lots of money lying around should not prevent you from having a lovely kitchen to call your own. The kitchen is the heart of any home and you want this place to be one that invites everyone to come, gather, and pitch in (one can always dream right?). This is the reason why you want your kitchen to shine above all other rooms in your home anyway. The kitchen should radiate warmth and home to all who enter.

Truthfully, there are many things you can do in your kitchen that will greatly affect the overall look of your kitchen without changing anything structurally in your kitchen. If you have wallpaper, remove it and try paint. There are all kinds of great things you can do in the kitchen from plaster, which goes amazingly well in a kitchen, to faux finishes and textures, and glazes for added effect. The walls in the kitchen are your canvas and the world is at your disposal. Just remember to try to tie the walls to the floor and cabinets or at least to the floors and cabinets you hope to have in your kitchen someday.

In addition to painting the walls in your kitchen you may also want to consider painting, staining, or antiquing your cabinets. I know that some jaws just dropped to the keyboard. How dare I suggest such a thing as painting wooden cabinets? The answer is simple really. It is much cheaper than replacing them and much simpler than staining them. Really boils down to a matter of choice. My first choice would not be painting but then again, there are times when painting is a viable option. It will greatly change the overall look of the kitchen if nothing else.

Moving right along. Another major change that is not terribly expensive to make in the kitchen is hardware. The simple act of replacing door handles and drawer pulls on your kitchen cabinet can result in an almost instant facelift. When these changes are combined with painted or stained cabinet effects are nothing short of amazing in many cases. It's the little things that often have the greatest impact so keep this in mind when planning your changes.

The floors of your kitchen are another rather inexpensive change that can be made despite preconceptions. Remember that you do not have to go up on the line to enjoy the big changes in the look of your floor. There are laminate floors that are rather inexpensive to install, like many forms of peel and stick tile that can bring about impressive results for very little effort and without professional skills. All floors that you are capable of installing yourself will save a lot of money and can make a huge difference in the appearance and your enjoyment of your kitchen.

Perhaps the biggest coup of all when it comes to changing the look of your kitchen is the ability to apply stainless steel PVC contact paper to your kitchen appliances to give them the instant appearance of stainless steel. This is a very inexpensive way of updating the overall look of your kitchen in minutes and at a cost less than replacing an appliance. For your countertops an inexpensive and terribly disruptive alternative to replacing them all together is to apply peel and stick tile over your existing countertops.

As you can see there are many ways that you can improve and increase the warmth and coziness that you want your kitchen to convey without breaking up the piggy bank in the process. More importantly, you should think about taking on one project at a time, you can make adjustments in your own time and as finances permit.