Black Sun-power of myths and abuse in Nazi Germany "and mysticism (book + DVD) by Rüdiger Sünner

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The book and the film highlight little studied the relationship between esotericism, mythology and politics of the "Third Reich", providing insights SS archives and original compositions, and contemporary sources. ARC to date is important to the current confrontation with anti-democratic tendencies, given that such myths are neo-Nazis and esoteric circles. The book presents in particular the Scandinavian mythology is not a taboo because they do not belong to our culture. The book and film have become standard works of esotericism. The book was published in three editions in publishing patron "since 1999. The documentary by Rüdiger Sünner named noted and is part of the standard repertoire of political education.

Official homepage of the author:

Dektb: the cold universe, Hitler believed the world ice theory Hörbiger

All life and the universe itself came from the cold. At the beginning of the world, masses of ice in a giant type of Star fire. This exciting event followed by all subsequent developments.

Rüdiger Sünner, author of the Black Sun, Hans Hörbiger informed the world ice theory. Hörbiger (father of two famous actor UFA) and architect Hugh, designed as an anti-Einstein's vision of the universe. Hitler among supporters of this well-established principle.