The 8 worst types of gym behavior

Going to the gym is one of the best parts of my day. I even love the atmosphere of the gym. But once in a while, there are some people who can make a gym session very, very annoying.


Just because they want to get a good chest workout, does not mean that they have the Bank or chest press machine. Those who spend an hour or more on the same machine are incredibly annoying, and are not getting a good workout as single are working the same muscles over and over again.

The socialite

Exercising with a friend it can be a good way to keep up to date with a training program, but does not give right to talk about the music. If someone nearby can hear them through your noise-canceling headphones, you are too strong. Remember that you are in the gym for exercise and exercise, do not hang with your friends. Focus on that and talk when you are finished.


The Phonester

There is always that person who leaves your phone close with the ringer volume turned up. They inevitably receive a call while they are in the middle of a set and let the phone ring and ring and ring and ring and ring until they are tempted to fall weighs 50 pounds on the stupid. Turn off your ringer volume down or simply placed to vibrate to avoid disturbing the gym-attending peers. The worst is when you speak too strong in your phone, to answer your calls from somewhere where nobody can hear you.

The Disorganizer

We've all seen that guy or girl who goes to the gym, does its training and leaves the weights throughout the entire floor. They could leave the weights a few inches of racks where should be placed, but never put in place. There are shelves along the wall for a reason, so storing the weights once you are done with them. It is only modal Buenos.

The noisemaker

Singing in the showers of the clothing is only one very annoying habits of the Noisemaker and they are going to be the same person groaning with relief when they sit in the sauna, emitting strange sounds as they sit on the toilet, or breathing heavily as they end their 5 minutes of operation. There are some noises of gym that can not be avoided, but remember that you're not home!

The amateur coach

You are at the gym and someone happens to you. He offers advice on an exercise, a routine, a habit of diet. They do not want or need the advice. But that did not stop him. Sound familiar? If you do this, stop! There are professional coaches who people can talk if you want tips, but fans who know all about weight lifting to bother everyone.

The Eyeballer

It is not bad that it allows you to search in the gym while you rest between sets, but place the eyes in the neckline of Lady or tight shorts of that man is definitely not the way to follow. There is something to say to keep their eyes to you yourself, and avoid looking at everyone in the gym. A quick look OK, but it is better to mind their own business.

The wrong user

"We will use the chest press machine to produce our calves!" We've all seen those fools who used a machine to the exercises wrong. They not only waste your time in the gym, but occupying a machine you may need another person out of hard work. In addition, they are endangering themselves. If you don't know what is the machine for or how to use it correctly, ask a professional or not use it at all!


Andy Peloquin had struggled with problems of loss of weight all his life. To overcome this, he began to study the suitability and now is in the process of becoming a certified professional fitness coach. Exercise seven days a week and is pleased to share his knowledge of the practice of exercise and fitness.